Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Hope For The New Year....2011

This week is the last week of the long school holidays. Are you ready to get back to school ? Are your preparations finished ? New bag, new shoes, new EVERYTHING. For those who will go to new school ( New form 1 students ), congratulations and be yourself. And for those who still at the same school,  it's time for new resolution, STUDY SMART!

And for those who are in IPT's, "Start new Semester with new Everything, Don't bring your last semester STUPIDITY and DUMBNESS to this new semester" – This was once said to KDPM PI/PJK 98-2001 by one of our Mentor.

For all teachers out there, 2011 is the time to start a new beginning, a new syllabus ( KSSR ) and new aim, don't just teach, but to guide our students.

For all Homestay members, 2011 is a year with more challenges and more Guests. Always be prepared for inspections and to receive Guests.

For all Rabbits Fan out there, 2011 will be a new great year, with new line of breed. Watch out for our announcements......

And for all of Teluk Ketapang Homestay Guests, Abah, Papa, Ayah, Umi, Ibu, Mama, Cik,  Abang dan Adik mengucapkan terima kasih keatas kehadiran anda semua ke tempat kami yang tidak seberapa ini. Jika ada masa dan kelapangan datanglah menjenguk, kami disini sentiasa menanti dengan tangan terbuka, pintu rumah ternganga.




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