Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I Got My First Litters.............. It's 6-3=3

This morning, when I was ready to get out to my mum's house, I heard some noise from my bunnies hutch. So, I peek outside my bedroom windows and saw something in Cell No.5. My bunny had gave birth to some litters. I quickly grab a nestbox and hurried to the hutch. I never expect litters to come this soon. As I recall, I bred Nina on September 4th and the due is not until 4@5 October. But when I closely looked in the cell, I was shocked, It's not Nina that gave birth but Mimi, my black/White doe. But it's never mind, I manage to separate Nina from the cell.
Mimi gave birth to 6 little pinkish litters. but as I inspect the babies, 3 had cross the bridge, bridge to eternity. That's made me felt terrible. I think Mimi gave birth last night, during the heavy rain and some storm. If I notice the change earlier, they might been alive.

Here are some pictures of them.

And this is the mother, Mimi.



© Copyright of Ketapang Bunnies | ™ Ketapang Bunnies Enterprise 2009